Spring 2025 is election time. The spring election is on April 1. All seats for the Madison Common Council are up for election. The results of those elections can have a great impact on biking, walking, transit, and housing. Madison Bikes, together with Madison is for People, Madison Area Community Land Trust, Madison Bikes, Affordable Housing Action Alliance (AHAA), and Strong Towns Madison, reached out to all candidates for common council to ask them about their positions on transportation, housing, and sustainability. Find their full, unedited responses below.
Madison Bikes is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and does not endorse or oppose any candidate. All responses are reproduced unedited and in their entirety.
Candidate Q&A
- District 2: Will Ochowicz
- District 3: Derek Field
- District 4: Eli Tsarovsky
- District 4: Mike Verveer
- District 5: Regina Vidaver
- District 6: Davy Mayer
- District 7: Badri Lankella
- District 8: MGR Govindarajan
- District 10: Yannette Figueroa Cole
- District 12: Julia Matthews
- District 14: Noah Lieberman
- District 15: Ryan Koglin
- District 16: Sean O’Brien
- District 18: Carmella Glenn
- District 18: Kevin A Monroe
- District 19: John Guequierre
last updated: 2025-03-06 21:54:32.032622
District 2: Will Ochowicz
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Will Ochowicz (D2): Rent
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Will Ochowicz (D2): I rode my bike to the grocery store today, and I took the bus and my bike to work yesterday. In general, I almost always ride my bike for short trips, and I split about half my trips taking the bus and half driving for work, although I’ll also ride my bike to and from work when the weather is nice.
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Will Ochowicz (D2): As mentioned above, I primarily bike for shorter trips, which are the majority of my trips. I also walk, drive, and bus, in about that order.
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Will Ochowicz (D2): The downtown area is unique in that it is already dense, but there is also the potential for redevelopment. It is also unique in using the DR zones, having a separate height map distinct from the zoning height limits, having had no parking limits for several years longer than most of the city, and having a mix of historic districts and new housing.
For the downtown area plan, I would focus on updating, increasing, and making the height limits more uniform. I would prefer that new housing be distributed more evenly throughout the district, instead of just along commercial corridors.
Will Ochowicz (D2): Yes, I would. Removing parking minimums in TOD was a great win, but it would be a goal of mine to remove them city-wide. I also support making it easier to build smaller buildings by right. It is difficult for small developers to get a start when the barrier to entry for a small building that will not have as much of an impact on a neighborhood is as high as a large apartment building.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Will Ochowicz (D2): Because of how affordable housing works and the nature of private market developers, the length of time required for a land use restrictive agreement (LURA) is a balancing act between getting maximum value from city funds, and making the project enticing enough that a developer will take the offer. I think the city should try to set the LURA time limit as high as possible while still getting competitive bids. What that number is is an economic question I don’t know the exact answer to, but 40 year LURAs seem like they are working and getting bidders.
However, in addition to increasing the LURA time limit to the extent possible, I believe that the city should be working to develop and scale up mission driven developers who have a non-financial motivation for owning and/or operating housing. I think this will be an effective strategy for bringing land and housing out of the speculative market long-term. Then, when the city wants to use affordable housing funds with a long-term or permanent LURA, there will be partners who can work with the city on developing that housing.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Will Ochowicz (D2): Using and expanding the city’s land-banking program is one of the major goals I would like to accomplish in my first term. By using land-banking, the city has a much larger say in what eventually is built on the property, including the amount of affordable housing and the length of time that the housing will remain affordable. It also gives the city the ability to choose who owns and operates the housing, rather than turning up or down prospective applicants for city funds.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Will Ochowicz (D2): Land-banking, working with mission driven developers who will commit to permanent LURAs, and funding and working with the CDA are the three main ways the city can create different types of permanent housing, no matter who will live there. The difference in creating housing for un-housed individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities is that the city must consider the long-term operating costs of such housing, since these populations may need additional services. By vetting developers and operators, and setting aside money in the operating budget for operating these types of housing, I will try to get housing for these individuals built.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Will Ochowicz (D2): City funding for the Tenant Resource Center, Community Justice, and other local organizations is critical for helping tenants who are facing difficult landlords or eviction. Unfortunately, federal money that was critical for those programs has dried up and it is unlikely that the current administration will extend a hand. That means the city and county government will need to step in with funding. I will prioritize funding for these programs, although the truth is that it is going to be difficult to get these programs all the funding they need.
I also will be responsive to tenants in my district who struggle with landlord-tenant issues. It is important that landlords are held responsible for failures to turn on the heat, make repairs, or not treating their tenants with respect.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Will Ochowicz (D2): Yes I am. In general, I think a conversation and talking with constituents is necessary to understand both what their concerns are, and to help them understand the impacts of what the change will be. Most of the time, the change is very minor. Having numbers on how the public space is being used is also helpful. For instance, when discussing bike lanes on Mineral Point, advocates and the city pointed out that the parking was rarely used, except for one stretch. Downtown, parking is frequently occupied, but it is often used for long-term storage which can be served by private parking facilities, rather than as short-term drop-off/pickup.
There has been discussion around how new construction downtown could impact the tree canopy. I think that the biggest threat to the tree canopy is how much of our public space is dedicated to automobiles, and not new construction. That isn’t to say that new construction shouldn’t be done in a way that benefits our downtown tree canopy and public space, but that I think we should be prioritizing how we use our public space for public good.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Will Ochowicz (D2): In my district, a vision-impaired resident was hit at Wisconsin and Gilman within the past few years. Since the accident, I haven’t seen any changes to the construction of that road. That particular intersection is just below the crest of the hill, on a very wide road that sees moderate traffic. It is important that we increase visibility of pedestrians and bicyclists there. I don’t have a plan but I know it is a priority of the Mansion Hill neighborhood association and I would work with Traffic Engineering to see what could be done there.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Will Ochowicz (D2): The main areas I see gaps in my district are: - The bike boulevard on Mifflin, from Blair to Webster (the part that is in my district) - Langdon Street, or Gilman Street, to connect the north-east side of the district to state street - Johnson/Gorham
For Mifflin, I believe that the addition of a diverter upstream at Mifflin and Paterson will help with heavy traffic towards the Capitol. However, It won’t help with the cross traffic, which I think could be alleviated with longer bumpouts.
Johnson and Gorham should have protected bike lanes, especially where Gorham turns into University. Even though I ride my bike frequently, those roads feel particularly dangerous.
Langdon and Gilman could serve as low-intensity alternative to Johnson and Gorham, Gilman in particular. I would like to see a cycle track or other facility going both ways on either Langdon, Gilman, or Johnson/Gorham, even if it is at the expense of on-street parking.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Will Ochowicz (D2): 1. The city should view transportation, climate change, and city planning as different parts of the same problem. Transportation generates emissions, but especially single-occupancy vehicles (even EVs) generate a disproportionate amount of emissions. People feel that they need to drive because they live far from work and amenities. It is difficult to build effective transportation systems because density is low and destinations are far apart and spread out. There are a number of articles and papers that talk about this topic, and I won’t be able to fully do it justice in a questionnaire.
The city should focus on reducing VMTs from single occupancy vehicles. This means expanding TOD, and encouraging small-scale mixed use developments in all neighborhoods.
We should also increase the number and scale of pedestrian and bike scaled traffic infrastructure, to ensure that all people, including the elderly, children, and those with disabilities, can feel safe making short trips within their neighborhood without a car.
Will Ochowicz (D2): From the city’s own data, there are on average over 1000 vacancies during an average weekday at all of the downtown garages. Occupancy sometimes fills up at individual garages during special events, but that is an exception. Building and operating parking garages is certainly part of the city’s transportation system, but it seems like we have clearly overbuilt for demand, especially since the garage is already underpriced. The good news is that many of these garages are nearing the end of their life, and we will be able to repurpose them for other uses.
In general, I think parking garages are better than free on-street parking for downtown, but overall the value of a parking garage is low compared to investing in alternatives like transit or human-scale street infrastructure.
District 3: Derek Field
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Derek Field (D3): Own
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Derek Field (D3): Yesterday!
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Derek Field (D3): Metro bus (D1 route).
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Derek Field (D3): Yes, I see the Area Plans as being a key strategy to identify areas that are appropriate for more density and a mix of uses in support of Madison’s goals to accomodate projected growth. I think this is especially important along arterial roads with transit service, including areas along Milwaukee Street and Cottage Grove Road within the SE planning area and my district. Bringing mixed-use redevelopment to these areas will also help provide more services within walking distance for neighbors who live here and offer alternatives to vehicle trips.
Derek Field (D3): I like this visual comparison, which represents one of the several reasons I support additional density and infill. I would support additional relaxation or incremental elimination of minimum parking requirements, particularly where transit is available.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Derek Field (D3): If we can increase the affordability requirement to a longer time horizon, we should do that. And either way, we should continue expanding the Community Development Authority’s permanently affordable stock and invest in redeveloping those properties to add more units.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Derek Field (D3): The City should use the land banking program, TIF, and the Affordable Housing fund to acquire property in these areas (especially along frequent transit routes) to facilitate affordable housing development. As land and construction prices increase, and as the City gets better at doing these real estate deals, let’s increase the Capital Budget lines for these programs to make sure we’re not missing out on opportunities.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Derek Field (D3): The City should continue adding more housing options, and especially affordable housing options, to prevent displacement from neighborhoods. The City should continue to issue Requests for Proposals for housing developments that cater to particular populations, such as the recent project to offer housing for kids aging out of foster care. The City should continue supporting capacity-building among nonprofit partners who participate in this work by building or managing housing and providing services that align with the needs of these communities.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Derek Field (D3): The City should be approving more housing, facilitating the development of more affordable housing, holding landlords accountable for mismanagement (a key issue in my district and one that is a high priority for me) in the limited ways that are available to city governments in Wisconsin, and continue advocating for the restoration of municipal authority to protect tenants and push property management to maintain safe, decent housing.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Derek Field (D3): Yes, I am. I will highlight the natural traffic calming effect of narrower traffic lanes and an activated street/right of way with a variety of uses (e.g. bikes). I would first ask our expert City staff to explain these effects or provide supporting information and I would continue to use that information/those materials in my communications with constituents.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Derek Field (D3): Milwaukee Street. The wide-format street design is a terrible shame and enables very hazardous driving behavior. I want to see protected bike lanes, more bump outs, improvements in pedestrian crossings, and pretty much anything else that might calm traffic here. Cottage Grove Road also sees a lot of speeding and makes bike trips near the Capital City Bike Path dangerous. This is an area that many of my constituents want to see improved for non-car travelers. I’ll make sure City staff are working on this as WisDOT does their South Stoughton Road redesign project. WisDOT’s designs for Hwy 51 on/off ramps and the bridges over Cottage Grove Road will determine what the City can do to make improvements here.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Derek Field (D3): The interstate corridor is the biggest gap in the bike network in my district. Many thousand households have moved to new neighborhoods east of the Interstate, and they have to live with very few (and narrow, unsafe, and outdated) options to cross that highway and access the rest of the City. These improvements rely on WisDOT authorizing changes to the routes crossing the Interstate. I am a strong supporter for improving connectivity over this barrier and have been bothering state legislators about it since assuming my role as alder. I’ll keep doing so until WisDOT improves connectivity through new bridges and tunnels.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Derek Field (D3): Electrification of Madison’s fleet, including Metro busses, encouraging transit ridership, not expanding capacity for traffic volume on City roads, and improving biking/walking connections around and between neighborhoods - especially along routes that lead to places like grocery stores, schools, or bus stops.
Derek Field (D3): We should subsidize private vehicle storage less overall, and do what we can to minimize impacts on low-income households who may not live near transit routes.
District 4: Eli Tsarovsky
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): Rent
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): Today! I take the bus every day of the week.
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): Walking and using the Madison Metro Bus System
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): District 4 would fall under the downtown area plan, which will be worked on in 2026-2027. Increased housing density in downtown Madison is definitely needed given the projection of Madison’s population growing to over 300,000 people, many of them college affiliated and young professionals who’s first choice would be to live in the downtown area. So, we will need to create a thorough downtown area plan that not only accounts for increased housing density but will also increase community spaces.
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): Yes, I believe that the city should conduct a comprehensive review of its zoning code to encourage diverse housing types across all neighborhoods to improve housing accessibility for residents at every income level. I believe that the city must continue to explore opportunities in the zoning code to increase the variety of housing across the city. To prevent further housing inequities, we must prioritize solutions that address the critical needs of the lowest-income residents and the unhoused population. This includes expanding and strengthening our ‘Housing First’ initiatives to ensure they effectively provide stable and supportive housing as a pathway to long-term stability and well-being. Also, Madison’s workforce housing landscape urgently needs improvement. The city should reassess its Tax Increment Financing (TIF) policy and explore ways to attract more workforce housing through strategic Tax Increment Districts (TIDs) citywide. Additionally, we need to evaluate economic development opportunities for exploring opportunities in our zoning regulations to promote workforce housing, “missing middle” housing, and necessary density in suitable areas. This will help create opportunities for peoples’ progress toward ownership and developing generational wealth.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): The law in Wisconsin currently prohibits the requirement of affordability through zoning. Therefore, I believe that the city should use all the tools it has for city-funded developments to remain affordable for the lifetime of the building so that the building is able to continue to serve the part of the housing stock it was built for. Affordable housing is an important part of the housing stock that does not lose the value it returns to the community through housing people. The city should make sure that this is quality, affordable housing that provides a safe, healthy place for people to live.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): The city can subsidize the acquisition of land through TIF and the affordable housing fund for affordable housing developments. I will make sure we keep the affordable housing fund healthy to encourage the development of affordable housing in Madison. Frankly, I don’t believe that the city has the funding to acquire land downtown. Currently, a 0.95-acre lot on Blair Street is $7.9 million. The price per acre is $8.3 million in this downtown area –that is nearly the entire budget for all affordable housing projects in the city. In 2024, the City of Madison committed approximately $10 million to affordable housing projects in the city. So, we should prioritize building affordable housing within the transit-oriented districts as defined by the Affordable Housing Fund 2024 Targeted Area Map.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): To promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, we must make a variety of housing options available. This means specifically supporting seniors, people with disabilities, and single individuals as they are all growing demographics in the unhoused population but are also critically underserved. We must strengthen our support for our unhoused neighbors—current funding hasn’t adequately addressed this crisis. The city needs to expedite the implementation of the new men’s shelter and reduce pressure on The Beacon.
We know that safe, quality housing is a super determinant of health. To effectively address homelessness, we must prioritize investments in comprehensive support systems. This includes creating an actionable City and County plan for income-based housing ($0-$12,000/year) as part of our comprehensive affordable housing plan. We also need to staff community shelters adequately by assigning screeners and case managers to shelters like the Beacon and Safe Haven at least five days a week, require daily case management at The Beacon, and have trained crisis workers onsite daily to address safety and support needs. This means improving access to housing, as we know that reliable access to housing is a major health factor. I will continue to work as a champion of public health to meet the needs of our community and as a leader in local government. As an Alder, I will facilitate an environment of partnership on the council to make progress on affordable housing, human rights, and center community through action.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): As a renter, I know and personally feel the effects of the difficulties of finding quality affordable housing. I have been a part of the fight to lower rent for neighbors downtown through the local development processes and by engaging neighbors in providing feedback directly to development teams. As the past President of the Campus Area Neighborhood Association and the current President of Capitol Neighborhoods Inc., I have created multigenerational and multiracial coalitions to determine how local development projects and city zoning can better build our community through centering people and culture. I have led the petitioning of our local elected officials and spoken at city meetings to demand we do better as a community to create better solutions to lower the cost of housing in our city. So, I believe that the city needs to advocate for updated tenant rights ordinances to protect residents as our city grows.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): I am committed to supporting the implementation of the Complete Green Streets policy and working with neighbors to identify opportunities to remove car parking or general travel lanes. The isthmus’ unique land restraints present opportunities and challenges. I am committed to working with neighbors through the importance of fully implementing the Complete Green Streets policy. I will work with neighbors to identify common ground and shared values in the Complete Green Streets policy when people are concerned with different implementations of the policy.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): In District 4, according to data from the Community Maps - Traffic Safety for Wisconsin between January 2020 and March 2025, the roadways that require the most improvements are West Washington, West Main Street, East Doty Street, John Nolen Drive, and Proudfit Street. The most serious injuries and a fatality that occurred in District 4 were on John Nolen Drive. Tom Heninger, a beloved music teacher and community member, was killed by a driver at the intersection of Proudfit and John Nolen Drive on October 27, 2022. The intersections that are the most dangerous in District 4 include the Southwest Bike Path and W Washington, the N Bassett and W Johnson, and the Broom and John Nolen intersection outside of the Brittingham Park Dog Park. There needs to be a bridge, tunnel, or a lower speed solution to this section of John Nolen Drive. This commuter path through District 4 can create a safe crossing for pedestrians and bicyclists enjoying Law Park, Brittingham Boats, the Lake Loop, and the Monona Terrace.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): District 4 serves as an important connection for the Southwest Commuter Bike Path, Capitol City Trails, and Lake Loop. A major gap in our network is the crossing at W Washington and the Southwest Commuter Bike Path. I think there could be a Bike Bridge solution similar to the bridge near the UW Children’s Hospital to create a smoother ride and safer crossing for pedestrians year round. Also, we need to make crossings that go across Broom Street easier to identify, as Broom Street is a commuter route in the morning and evening for some people. Specifically, the E Main intersection can be dangerous at different times of day. The intersections that are the most dangerous in District 4 include the Southwest Bike Path and W Washington, the N Bassett and W Johnson, and the Broom and John Nolen intersection outside of the Brittingham Park Dog Park. There needs to be a bridge, tunnel, or a lower speed solution to this section of John Nolen Drive. This commuter path needs to be made a safer crossing through District 4 for bicyclists enjoying Law Park, Brittingham Boats, the Lake Loop, and the Monona Terrace.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): The city must continue to support the transition from diesel and gas to electric and other renewable energy sources in the next 5 years. This means working with MG&E to increase the number of electric chargers in the city. This also means continuing to invest in the transition to an electric fleet by Madison Metro and the Fleet Divison. The city must also continue supporting projects that promote walking, biking, and public transportation options.
Eli Tsarovsky (D4): I recognize the challenges of parking in the downtown area due to land constraints, and many people in the downtown area rely on cars as their primary means of transportation. I know that special spaces in the downtown area like the Farmer’s Market, the Children’s Museum, the Overture Center, State Street, and King Street rely on parking spots for people to visit and stay at their businesses. I believe that the city must consider ways to increase its revenue stream by working with the business community to bring more businesses and workers back to downtown Madison. I think Madison needs to be intentional with increased parking garage prices because that affects the downtown residents and our restaurant workers, our hospitality workers, entertainment, government workers, seasonal workers, and all our business workers who are the backbone of the downtown.
District 4: Mike Verveer
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Mike Verveer (D4): Own
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Mike Verveer (D4): Last Week
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Mike Verveer (D4): Walk
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Mike Verveer (D4): Given the need for affordable housing and sustainability, I believe the Downtown Area Plan, scheduled to begin in 2026, should prioritize increased density, especially because downtown has excellent access to public transit, jobs, and essential services. Increasing density downtown will help create even more vibrant, walkable neighborhoods, reduce traffic congestion, and support a more sustainable urban growth model.
Each of the city’s area plans should encourage density near public transportation corridors and employment centers to maximize access to jobs and reduce car dependency. Incorporating green spaces, energy-efficient buildings, and affordable housing options within these dense areas is essential to creating a sustainable, livable urban environment. We must also continue to engage communities in these decisions, ensuring their voices are heard, and their needs are met as we grow.
Mike Verveer (D4): Yes, I would continue to support similar zoning reforms in Madison to eliminate all parking minimums and allow for small multi-family buildings by-right throughout the city. These reforms could be instrumental in addressing our housing crisis, increasing the availability of affordable housing, and reducing urban sprawl. By allowing more flexibility in zoning, we can encourage the development of diverse housing options, which will help meet the needs of residents at all income levels while also promoting sustainable urban growth. Eliminating parking minimums is particularly important in reducing construction costs and promoting transit-oriented development. In a city with robust public transportation options, such as Madison, we should prioritize policies that reduce car dependence and make the best use of our available land. Additionally, allowing for small multi-family buildings in more areas of the city could foster more vibrant, mixed-use neighborhoods, which are both economically and socially beneficial. This approach would not only help grow the tax base but also create neighborhoods where people can live, work, and access amenities within walking distance, reducing the need for cars and ultimately minimizing the city’s environmental impact.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Mike Verveer (D4): I believe that the City of Madison should prioritize longer-term affordability in City-funded housing developments. While 40 years of affordability is a significant commitment, it’s not enough to ensure long-term stability for low-income residents, especially as housing markets continue to evolve. In many cases, 40 years is just the beginning of the affordability crisis, not the end. I have previously successfully worked to extend the period of affordability of downtown housing developments and will continue to do so. Given the pressing need for affordable housing and the rising cost of living, I would advocate for extending the affordability period to 60 years or more. This would provide greater long-term security for residents and prevent neighborhoods from gentrifying once the affordability requirement expires. Additionally, the City should explore options for making affordability permanent through mechanisms like community land trusts or other models that ensure affordability for future generations. By taking these steps, we can safeguard the long-term affordability of our housing stock, making sure it remains accessible to those who need it most.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Mike Verveer (D4): To ensure equitable access to housing, the City should continue to take a proactive approach by investing in land acquisition for affordable housing projects. I have been a longtime supporter of the City’s land banking fund, and have secured more robust funding for the program. This can help prevent displacement and maintain diversity in neighborhoods that would otherwise become increasingly unaffordable for low- and moderate-income residents. The City should continue to partner with non-profit developers, community land trusts, and other organizations to acquire and hold land for future affordable housing development. By acquiring land before it becomes prohibitively expensive, the City ensures that affordable housing options remain available and help control the forces of gentrification. This kind of strategic intervention is essential to maintaining Madison as an inclusive city that prioritizes affordable housing for all its residents.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Mike Verveer (D4): To promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities, the City of Madison must continue to take a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach that includes both immediate assistance and long-term solutions. For single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities, the City should expand the availability of Housing First policy, which combines affordable housing with wraparound services like mental health support, addiction services, and job training. This integrated approach can help residents transition from homelessness to permanent housing and ensure they have the resources needed to maintain stability. Additionally, the City should continue to work closely with local organizations and service providers to expand a coordinated system of care for vulnerable populations. Increasing funding for emergency shelters and transitional housing programs is essential, as well as prioritizing affordable housing developments that are specifically designed for people with disabilities and seniors. The City should also expand rent assistance programs and use land acquisition strategies to secure affordable housing in areas with access to public transportation and essential services. I am a strong supporter of greatly expanding Community Development Authority public housing which prioritizes vulnerable residents, especially people with disabilities and seniors . By ensuring that housing for these groups is truly permanent, with long-term affordability and support, the City can create lasting solutions to homelessness and housing instability in Madison.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Mike Verveer (D4): To better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights, the City should pursue all possible strategies to prevent evictions and promote housing stability. A key priority for City funding should be the Eviction Diversion and Defense Partnership, a highly effective program that assists residents facing eviction through the Tenant Resource Center and community legal partners. This program plays a crucial role in keeping people housed by offering support, legal assistance, and resources to prevent eviction. Additionally, it’s outrageous that the City has largely been preempted from enforcing any tenants rights ordinances since 2011. The City should advocate for stronger tenant protections by working to restore state statutes that allow for more robust protections for tenants. Improving tenant education is also vital—ensuring tenants understand their rights and resources available to them can help them better navigate the rental process. Madison should create accessible platforms to facilitate reporting of tenant rights and housing code violations, making it easier for renters to seek help. The City must work to build a fair and transparent rental market where tenants have the resources and support they need to maintain stable housing. I have worked to strengthen the City’s rent abatement program and will continue to fight for renters.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Mike Verveer (D4): Yes, I supported adoption of the Complete Green Streets policy and support its implementation downtown and across Madison. This policy is vital for creating a safer, more sustainable, and accessible city for everyone, especially as we work toward reducing our carbon footprint and promoting healthier transportation options. The priority should be on creating spaces that accommodate walking, biking, and transit while investing in green infrastructure that supports the well-being of our community. I understand that residents may be concerned about the removal of on-street car parking or travel lanes. However, I believe that these changes are necessary to create a more equitable, sustainable, and future-focused city. When addressing these concerns, it’s crucial to engage with residents early in the process to explain the long-term benefits of the policy, such as increased safety, reduced traffic congestion, and improved air quality. Additionally, I would work to emphasize the positive impact of these changes, like safer pedestrian routes, more bike lanes, and better public transit options, which benefit all residents in the long run. Ultimately, this shift aligns with the goal of making Madison a more livable and environmentally-friendly city.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Mike Verveer (D4): I am deeply committed to achieving Vision Zero, and it’s crucial we prioritize safety improvements on roadways and intersections that have shown higher rates of accidents, especially those involving pedestrians and cyclists. Downtown, I would prioritize safety design improvements on streets where high traffic volumes and speeds contribute to significant risk, especially the intersection of Broom Street, John Nolen Drive, and North Shore Drive, which has experienced far too many tragic pedestrian and cyclist crashes.I will continue to champion the inclusion of an underpass at this dangerous intersection in the Madison LakeWay Project. I have a proven track record of fighting for safer streets, particularly for cyclists. I strongly supported the establishment of protected bike lanes on Bassett Street, the expansion of the Southwest Commuter Path and the recently constructed Wilson Street cycletrack. These measures are part of a broader strategy to not only improve biking infrastructure but to also ensure our streets are safe for all users. To achieve Vision Zero, we need to continue expanding protected bike lanes, improve crosswalk visibility, lower speed limits in high-risk areas, and design roadways that prioritize safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers alike. We must also enhance education campaigns to increase awareness about road safety and encourage more responsible driving behaviors. By working with community stakeholders and City engineers, I will ensure that safety design improvements are made in high-priority areas to meet the goal of eliminating fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Mike Verveer (D4): Madison has made significant progress in expanding its bike network, but there are still areas in downtown where improvements can make cycling safer and more accessible for all. As previously stated, my number one priority to improve the bicycle network downtown is to address the glaring safety problems at the intersection of Broom Street, John Nolen Drive, and North Shore Drive. Key gaps exist in connecting residential neighborhoods to major commercial areas and transit hubs, where bike lanes may be incomplete or less protected. Addressing these gaps by expanding protected bike lanes, improving intersections for cyclist safety, and ensuring bike-friendly connections to bus routes would help encourage more residents to choose biking as a reliable mode of transportation. To fix these gaps, I would support further investment in infrastructure that prioritizes both safety and accessibility. This includes adding protected bike lanes in high-traffic areas, improving wayfinding signage, and ensuring that new developments incorporate bike-friendly design. Additionally, working closely with community members and advocacy groups will help identify specific areas where improvements would have the greatest impact. By continuing to build out a comprehensive and connected bike network, we can make cycling a more viable and attractive option for people of all ages and abilities.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Mike Verveer (D4): To reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions, which accounted for 27.5% of Madison’s total in 2022, the City must take a comprehensive approach over the next five years. Expanding and improving public transit will encourage residents to choose buses and other alternatives over personal vehicles, reducing emissions while improving mobility. Investing in infrastructure for walking and biking, such as protected bike lanes, cycletracks, and pedestrian pathways, will further promote active transportation and reduce car dependency. I’ve consistently advocated for, and expanded, public transit options for students and residents downtown. I will fight to grow funding for the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system to include the north-south line (Rapid Route B) and work to attract an Amtrak line to Madison that will help connect us to the rest of the region.The City’s dedication to electrifying its fleet—highlighted by the procurement of EV buses—demonstrates a strong commitment to reducing carbon pollution. To further accelerate the transition to low-emission vehicles, the City should expand EV charging infrastructure and implement incentives that encourage electric vehicle adoption. Madison can significantly reduce transportation emissions, creating a cleaner, more sustainable, and accessible city.
Mike Verveer (D4): Madison should reevaluate its role in subsidizing private vehicle storage, especially when parking garages like the Wilson Street facility operate at a significant financial loss. At over $240 per month per stall, these subsidies place a heavy burden on taxpayers while encouraging car dependency, which conflicts with the City’s climate and sustainability goals. Instead of continuing to absorb these costs, Madison should explore strategies to gradually phase out parking subsidies and shift toward market-based pricing that reflects the true cost of maintaining these facilities. This would help recover revenue while incentivizing alternative transportation options. The City’s priority should be investing in sustainable mobility solutions rather than heavily subsidizing private vehicle storage. Expanding public transit, increasing bike and pedestrian infrastructure, and supporting transit-oriented development would make it easier for residents to live without relying on personal vehicles. Madison can also repurpose underutilized parking structures, for more productive uses, such as affordable housing, commercial space, or community facilities. A recent step in the right direction by the City, is the Lake Street portion of the State Street Campus Garage, where the reconstructed structure has fewer parking spaces and accommodates a new intercity bus terminal. By strategically reducing subsidies and encouraging more efficient land use, the City can foster a more financially sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation system.
District 5: Regina Vidaver
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Regina Vidaver (D5): Own
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Regina Vidaver (D5): Today! I generally bike or bus when I commute to my office, which is most days of the week.
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Regina Vidaver (D5): It depends. I walk, bike, or bus when possible, but for certain errands use a car (hybrid), and purposely consolidate my trips.
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Regina Vidaver (D5): This is a complex question. The opportunities for adding density in a region that is already highly developed, like the near west area that I represent, are relatively few. Certainly the city has made the building of ADUs easier, however the price of materials and labor is largely prohibitive for all but the most dedicated and wealthy of property owners. Thus, the majority of density to be added is going to be the result of sales of existing commercial sites with redevelopment into housing, which is already happening. Zoning code updates and the Transit-Oriented Development Overlay districts are designed to help allow density wherever possible, but we are largely dependent on commercial sales and developers with the willingness to manage infill development.
Regina Vidaver (D5): I have supported, and will continue to support common sense zoning reforms such as these to increase density and affordability of housing across our community. I was proud to sponsor the reforms that were just passed by Council in February.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Regina Vidaver (D5): Madison is leading the way with creating new affordable housing, and requiring affordability for the developments to last 40 years. It’s important to recognize that we must partner with developers to execute these projects, and the risk that length of affordability presents to them means that many developers just won’t choose to work with us. So, we need to ensure that we have a diversity of approaches - in addition to new developments with 40-year affordability, we are collaborating with the Madison Area Community Land Trust (MACLT), so that a portion of the City’s investments are going to housing that will be kept affordable in perpetuity.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Regina Vidaver (D5): The city is already excelling at this. The Brayton lot, which was already owned, will be turned into affordable housing. The purchase of properties on Park Street to revitalize the region is another example. The city is making excellent strides in banking land for affordable housing, appropriate service site development, and community assets. As appropriate properties become available, the city will continue to acquire them as feasible.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Regina Vidaver (D5): The city will be creating the purpose-built men’s shelter, which will provide a centralized place for unhoused single men, with onsite services designed to move them into permanent housing as quickly as possible. The city has also invested in the Salvation Army and YWCA to help single women, and women with children experiencing homelessness. All of these investments are closely coordinated with community organizations that provide needed services to move people into housing stability. We can do more to promote the city’s Property Tax Relief Program for Seniors, to keep more seniors in their homes, and the city’s MadCAP program to reduce utility bills for people with lower incomes. More communication about the city’s first time homebuyer assistance program, and rehabilitation loans will help ensure people with lower incomes have access to buy and keep their homes.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Regina Vidaver (D5): The city’s building inspection department is ready to inspect rental properties that are not kept in sufficient repair. But they can’t do this work if they don’t have a request to inspect the property. The Common Council has enacted protections for renters against retaliatory landlords, but it is not surprising that many renters find cold comfort in those legal protections when there is so little availability of rental properties, and an even tighter market at lower price points. The Tenant Resource Center is a valued community resource to ensure there is always an opportunity for renters to find support in dealing with tenant-landlord issues.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Regina Vidaver (D5): I am committed to ensuring our Complete Green Streets policy is fully implemented on roadways where possible. Balance across community needs is always a factor. For example, a recent project in my district was to put sidewalks on a street that had none. Many people complained about the loss of trees that would occur. I was able to facilitate our city forester and engineering staff meeting residents on the street to examine the trees, and where the sidewalk could be placed. This collaboration resulted in a sidewalk being placed that improved neighborhood safety, while averting the loss of most of the trees.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Regina Vidaver (D5): Right now, I continue to receive many complaints about the University Ave/University Bay/Franklin Ave intersection. The redesign of the intersection, while allowing for the addition of the BRT station, created a very wide intersection with a long pedestrian crossing, creating additional conflict between turning vehicles and pedestrians. I have asked traffic engineering to examine light timing and street markings at the intersection to improve safety. I continue to pass on the requests of my constituents for safety improvements throughout the district, which includes two high schools, two grade schools, multiple grade school and middle school bus stops, and several parks - we need to prioritize protecting our kids’ safety.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Regina Vidaver (D5): According to the low stress bike route finder, there are few streets and areas within my district that are not conducive to bicyclists. We have the Kendall Ave bike boulevard, the SW Commuter Path, and lots of low-stress routes to get folks moving north to south. That said, there are still a few spots on the high injury network, so efforts to move bicyclists to other routes will be a high priority.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Regina Vidaver (D5): I was a proud sponsor of the transportation demand management (TDM) ordinance and program to reduce climate impacts from single occupancy vehicles. I have championed, and will continue to champion our bus rapid transit (BRT) system, which has seen significant increases in ridership since the first route was implemented. We will need to analyze the impacts of the bus route redesign to continue to identify ridership needs and reassign routes where needed. Ideally, we would be able to increase our budget to hire more drivers, and therefore provide a broader offering of routes across the city, but that is unlikely in the near future.
Regina Vidaver (D5): The city will be undertaking a comprehensive curb management update within the next two years. This will entail looking at parking across the city, including in our parking ramps, and on-street parking, with a special emphasis on our resident parking permit areas. With this approach, the city will be able to make decisions about future streetscapes based on accurate analyses and predictions of need, with an eye towards encouraging biking, walking, rolling, and public transit.
District 6: Davy Mayer
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Davy Mayer (D6): Rent
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Davy Mayer (D6): I took the bus on Tuesday of this week, to and from work. I last rode a bike (Bcycle, specifically) last fall.
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Davy Mayer (D6): Mix of bus/bike/walk. I have never owned a car.
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Davy Mayer (D6): Yes, areas of density should be distributed not evenly, but in portions all over the city. Historically, the downtown has been the “center of it all.” In the 70s, shopping malls became sort-of centers, but housing took awhile to follow. More recently, we’ve had points of concentration that have really taken off, like the Hilldale area and the University Avenue corridor. These walkable neighborhoods connected by BRT should be encouraged.
Davy Mayer (D6): Yes. I don’t support actively discouraging car ownership, but rather encouraging developments that make car ownership unnecessary (or two-car households downsizing to one). Density creates walkable neighborhoods. Mass transit makes life without a car not only possible but plausible.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Davy Mayer (D6): We want stability and predictability, but it’s so very hard to imagine the world 40 years from now, let alone further. A housing project coming to the end of 40 years today would have been built in 1985, when Madison had 100,000 fewer residents. Perhaps we can design longer compacts with more conditional requirements that both give the developer some reassurance but also provide for longer affordable status.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Davy Mayer (D6): We want affordable housing in centrally located neighborhoods such as those in my District 6 so that our service workers and other modest-wage workers can live closer to their jobs and not commute an hour from the suburbs. When the city is footing the bill by subsidizing housing projects, land acquisition is naturally going to be a component of that.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Davy Mayer (D6): We need more cooperation between the city and the county on these matters. We also may have to look for solutions beyond federal assistance over the coming years. This may sound lofty, but I do believe that the greatness of a civilization is measured by how it cares for the least of its members. Unhoused people, seniors and people with disabilities are all equal members of our community and all deserve respect and dignity.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Davy Mayer (D6): Another possibility of a more balanced legislature via the end of gerrymandering is a return to local control of rental laws and tenant rights. Former Governor Walker stripped Madison of many of its ordinances that gave massive protections to tenants and it is my hope that we can restore those. In addition, the Tenant Resource Center deserves more funding to better serve the community.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Davy Mayer (D6): For decades the modus operandi of traffic engineering was to move cars from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Today we are more in tune with pedestrian safety and the negative impacts of traffic to our neighborhoods. Any street that is rebuilt needs to be evaluated for different possible configurations that meet more benchmarks than just traffic throughput and parked car storage.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Davy Mayer (D6): Many already have, such as East Washington which had its speed limit reduced. We’ve had a number of pedestrian / car near-misses at Division and Eastwood. I will always be responsive to problematic roadways and intersection, looking for safely improvements wherever possible. Also, I am unconvinced that those mid-block crosswalks with a button for flashing lights is a good solution. The crossing on West Washington near Regent has had many collisions. I believe there are at least two in my district.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Davy Mayer (D6): We have so many great bike paths / routes / lanes in District 6! This might be a case where I’d advocate for other areas of the city to get more attention.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Davy Mayer (D6): The bus fleet is going all-electric, as is the city’s motor pool. This is an area where the city is doing a lot of good so we must continue down that path. Perhaps we could have more EV chargers in city ramps and metered parking spots.
Davy Mayer (D6): That’s an interesting chart! There’s an argument to be made that we subsidize parking to get people downtown and that their economic activity by working and/or spending money downtown makes it worthwhile. But more information is needed … perhaps the prices to use our garages ought to more directly reflect the cost involved. We need a real justification to socialize the cost of parking ramps.
District 7: Badri Lankella
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Badri Lankella (D7): Own
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Badri Lankella (D7): I ride to work at GEF2 building in downtown Madison. Our family also ride bikes regularly on ice age trail that is next to our house to Verona Library and Festival stores etc.,
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Badri Lankella (D7): Primary mode of transportation is our family car for moving around the city
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Badri Lankella (D7): Increasing density in District 7 (Southwest Area Plan) should be approached thoughtfully to balance growth with sustainability, affordability, and quality of life. As Madison continues to grow, it is essential to provide more housing options while maintaining green spaces, enhancing transit accessibility, and ensuring infrastructure can support increased density. Key considerations for distributing density in District 7 include: Transit-Oriented Development: Encouraging higher-density housing near major transit corridors, such as along Mineral Point Road, to support Metro Transit’s redesigned bus system. Mixed-Use Development: Promoting developments that combine residential, commercial, and community spaces to create walkable neighborhoods. Affordable and Inclusive Housing: Prioritizing affordable housing options, including missing middle housing, to ensure that growth benefits a diverse range of residents. Sustainable Infrastructure: Aligning density increases with investments in bike lanes, pedestrian-friendly streets, parks, and stormwater management to create a livable and resilient community
Badri Lankella (D7): Yes, I support zoning reforms that promote smart growth, increase housing availability, and strengthen Madison’s tax base while prioritizing equity and sustainability.
Eliminating parking minimums can lower housing costs, encourage transit use, and make more efficient use of land. Requiring excessive parking adds to development expenses and reduces space for housing and green areas. By-right small multi-family buildings can help address Madison’s housing shortage by increasing supply, providing diverse housing options, and supporting affordability.
Higher-density, mixed-use neighborhoods generate more property tax revenue per acre than low-density sprawl, helping fund essential services without overburdening residents. Thoughtful zoning changes can reduce sprawl, protect natural areas, and make our city more walkable and transit-friendly.
However, zoning reform must be paired with investments in transit, pedestrian and bike infrastructure, and public spaces to ensure growth benefits all residents. Community engagement is key to ensuring that density increases align with neighborhood needs and maintain Madison’s character.
With smart policies, we can create a more inclusive, sustainable, and economically vibrant city.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Badri Lankella (D7): Ensuring long-term affordability in city-funded housing developments is critical to addressing Madison’s housing challenges. While a 40-year affordability requirement has been the standard, I believe we should explore extending affordability periods or implementing policies that maintain affordability beyond that timeframe.
Affordable housing investments should provide lasting benefits for low-income residents, not just temporary relief. Extending affordability requirements to 60 years or more, or even making them permanent through land trusts or deed restrictions, can help preserve affordable housing stock. This prevents displacement and ensures that public funding continues to serve the community over generations.
However, we must also balance long-term affordability with the financial feasibility of projects. Working with developers, non-profits, and housing advocates, we can craft solutions that sustain affordability while encouraging continued investment in housing. Tools like shared-equity homeownership, partnerships with land trusts, and reinvesting expiring affordability funds into new projects can help maintain a strong affordable housing supply.
By prioritizing long-term affordability, we can create a more stable and inclusive housing market in Madison.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Badri Lankella (D7): The City of Madison should take a proactive role in acquiring land for affordable housing to ensure long-term affordability and prevent displacement. Rising land costs make it difficult for affordable housing developers to compete, particularly in desirable, centrally located neighborhoods.
To address this, the City should expand its land banking program, securing property in high-opportunity areas before prices become prohibitive. Partnering with nonprofits and community land trusts can ensure permanent affordability and community-driven development. Utilizing publicly owned land for affordable housing can reduce development costs and maximize public benefit.
Strategic use of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and other funding mechanisms can help acquire land for affordable projects. Prioritizing transit-oriented development ensures that affordable housing is located near jobs, services, and transportation, reducing overall living costs for residents.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Badri Lankella (D7): The City of Madison must take a comprehensive approach to housing stability by expanding permanent housing solutions and supportive services for vulnerable communities, including single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities.
Investing in Permanent Supportive Housing, which combines affordable housing with on-site services, can help individuals maintain long-term stability. Expanding partnerships with nonprofits and service providers ensures access to mental health care, substance use treatment, and job training.
The City should also increase deeply affordable housing options by funding low-income housing developments and using rental assistance programs to prevent displacement. Strengthening tenant protections, such as right-to-counsel programs for renters facing eviction, can further enhance housing security.
For seniors and individuals with disabilities, Madison should invest in accessible housing retrofits and expand age-friendly housing initiatives to support independent living. Encouraging co-housing models and community land trusts can also create sustainable, long-term housing solutions.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Badri Lankella (D7): The City of Madison should strengthen tenant protections, expand access to legal resources, and invest in programs that ensure renters have safe, fair, and affordable housing.
Expanding tenant legal assistance programs, including a right-to-counsel initiative for those facing eviction, can help renters navigate disputes and prevent housing instability. Strengthening enforcement of housing codes and increasing funding for proactive rental inspections can ensure landlords maintain safe and habitable living conditions.
The City should also work to expand rental assistance programs, particularly for low-income families and those facing financial hardship, to prevent evictions and displacement. Developing a Tenant Resource Center expansion and multilingual outreach efforts can ensure all renters understand their rights and available resources.
To address affordability, the City should support policies that increase the supply of affordable housing, such as expanding inclusionary zoning and incentivizing the development of affordable rental units. Stronger anti-discrimination protections and enforcement mechanisms are also necessary to combat housing bias and ensure fair treatment of all tenants.
By prioritizing tenant protections, financial assistance, and legal support, Madison can create a more stable and equitable housing environment for renters.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Badri Lankella (D7): I fully support the implementation of Madison’s Complete Green Streets policy to create safer, more accessible, and sustainable streets for all users. Prioritizing walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over car parking and travel lanes is essential for reducing congestion, improving public health, and addressing climate goals.
As a former member of the Transportation Policy and Planning Board, I was instrumental in reviewing and approving the Complete Green Streets policy. I understand its importance in shaping a more connected and resilient city, and I am committed to ensuring its successful implementation in District 7 and across Madison.
When projects require removing on-street parking or travel lanes, I will engage with residents to ensure concerns are heard while emphasizing the long-term benefits. Safer streets, improved transit reliability, and enhanced green spaces contribute to a more vibrant and livable community.
For residents worried about losing parking, I will work to identify alternative solutions, such as shared parking strategies, improved access to transit, and better biking and walking infrastructure. Data-driven planning and community input will be key to balancing neighborhood needs while prioritizing equity and sustainability.
By fully committing to Complete Green Streets, Madison can build a more connected, resilient, and inclusive transportation network.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Badri Lankella (D7): As a strong advocate for Vision Zero, I am committed to eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2035. In District 7, key roadways and intersections that should be prioritized for safety improvements include Mineral Point Road, Gammon Road, and McKenna Boulevard, where high traffic volumes and speeding pose risks to pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers.
To improve safety, I support traffic calming measures, such as narrower lanes, speed humps, raised crosswalks, and better lighting, to slow down vehicles and enhance pedestrian visibility. Expanding protected bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly crossings, particularly near schools, parks, and transit stops, is critical to ensuring safer mobility for all.
Enforcing lower speed limits in high-risk areas and utilizing automated speed enforcement can help deter reckless driving. Investments in leading pedestrian intervals (LPIs), no-turn-on-red policies, and improved transit infrastructure will further reduce conflicts between different road users.
As a former member of the Transportation Policy and Planning Board, I have worked on policies to improve roadway safety and support continued investments in data-driven street design changes that prioritize vulnerable road users. Engaging residents in traffic safety audits and education campaigns will also be key to making District 7’s streets safer.
By implementing these strategies, Madison can make meaningful progress toward Vision Zero and create a safer, more equitable transportation system for all.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Badri Lankella (D7): District 7 has several key gaps in its bike network that need to be addressed to create a safe, comfortable, and connected system for cyclists of all ages and abilities. Major challenges include limited east-west connectivity, high-speed roads without protected bike lanes, and gaps in connections to transit hubs, schools, and commercial areas.
Key Gaps & Solutions Mineral Point Road & Gammon Road – High-traffic corridors with inconsistent or missing protected bike infrastructure. Solution: Add protected bike lanes, improve intersection safety, and connect to Metro Transit’s BRT system.
West Towne Mall Area – Poor bike access due to large parking lots and wide roads. Solution: Implement dedicated bike lanes and improved crossings to connect residents with retail, jobs, and transit.
McKenna Boulevard & Raymond Road – Gaps in bike infrastructure near schools and parks. Solution: Expand off-street paths and install safer crossings to encourage biking for families and students.
Connections to the Southwest Path & Ice Age Junction Trail – Limited safe routes from residential areas. Solution: Add wayfinding signage, bike-friendly street treatments, and protected crossings to encourage more ridership.
As a former member of the Transportation Policy and Planning Board, I support a data-driven approach to prioritizing bike safety improvements. Investments in protected lanes, better intersections, and safe routes to schools and transit will help increase bike mode share and make District 7 more bike-friendly.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Badri Lankella (D7): To reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions in Madison, the city must prioritize sustainable, multimodal transportation options and accelerate the transition to clean energy vehicles over the next five years.
Key Strategies: Expand Public Transit – Fully implement and improve Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), increase service frequency, and ensure affordable, reliable transit access to reduce car dependency.
Enhance Biking & Walking Infrastructure – Build out a protected, citywide bike network, improve pedestrian safety, and expand the Complete Green Streets policy to encourage non-motorized travel.
Electrify Transportation – Transition the Metro Transit bus fleet to electric, support EV charging infrastructure, and offer incentives for electric vehicle adoption.
Promote Car-Free & Car-Lite Living – Support car-share programs, employer transit benefits, and mixed-use zoning to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips.
Adopt Low-Emission Policies – Implement congestion pricing, low-emission zones, and incentives for businesses to adopt sustainable commuting practices.
As a former member of the Transportation Policy and Planning Board, I am committed to reducing emissions through smart, sustainable policies that make it easier and more convenient for people to choose cleaner transportation options. These efforts will improve air quality, reduce congestion, and help Madison meet its climate goals.
Badri Lankella (D7): Madison should reassess its role in subsidizing parking and focus on more sustainable and equitable transportation investments. The $1.5 million annual loss from the Wilson Street garage highlights the need to reduce public subsidies for private vehicle storage and prioritize funding for transit, biking, and pedestrian infrastructure.
The City should gradually phase out parking subsidies and implement demand-based pricing to ensure costs align with actual usage. Underutilized parking facilities should be repurposed for higher-value uses, such as affordable housing, mixed-use development, or green infrastructure. Encouraging shared parking agreements and employer-based transportation programs can reduce reliance on city-funded parking while better managing demand.
Investing in public transit and active transportation will provide accessible, convenient alternatives to driving, reducing the need for costly parking infrastructure. As a former member of the Transportation Policy and Planning Board, I support a data-driven, fiscally responsible approach that prioritizes sustainability, efficient land use, and equitable mobility options for all residents.
District 8: MGR Govindarajan
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
MGR Govindarajan (D8): Rent
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
MGR Govindarajan (D8): Today
What is the primary way you move around the city?
MGR Govindarajan (D8): Bus during colder seasons, bike during warmer seasons
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
MGR Govindarajan (D8): Yes. I’ve already attempted in increasing the height limit in my area even though it isn’t up for another few years. Details of that: https://www.cityofmadison.com/council/district8/blog/2023-09-21/discussing-the-downtown-building-height-limit
MGR Govindarajan (D8): Yes. I have consistently advocated in favor of these reforms and will continue to do so. The reason is because Madison is expected to exponentially grow in population during the coming decades and we are not prepared, the Common Council has the responsibility to allow more housing to be built in order for us to be ready.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
MGR Govindarajan (D8): I support it. In fact, early in my first term when CORE Spaces proposed building a student housing apartment and provide a 40% discount for 10% of beds for 30 years, the City Attorney’s office got it in writing and approved it.
However, as it came for the Common Council vote, I told CORE Spaces that I will (once again) get the council to vote against the proposal unless they go upto 40 years. I set up a meeting with the developers and got them to agree to 40 years, and they agreed. I’ve since learned to not sidestep the City Attorneys in the way I did (lol), but they also agreed to push for 40 years going forward.
Regardless, I’m in favor of indefinite affordability, but if that isn’t possible then I will always try to get something higher. If CORE initially proposed 40 years, I would’ve asked for 50, etc.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
MGR Govindarajan (D8): Anything from owning part of the land and requiring a private developer to require affordability to moving towards fully managing apartments with public housing
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
MGR Govindarajan (D8): I almost don’t want to give a definitive answer because the city attorneys answer is always “oh the state legislature has prohibited us from doing that”, so take these as hypotheticals.
I think moving towards public housing should be a city goal. Even if it starts small, or buying off property that is being sold etc. allowing residents, especially those most in need, the ability to have housing without having to actively worry about surprise inspections, rent increases, retaliation etc should be a goal of the city
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
MGR Govindarajan (D8): My biggest goal with housing next year is going to be bolstering the building inspection department. I’ve already been speaking with them about sending city-wide mailing around September to all renters’ households about the services building inspection offers etc.
Teaching folks the services that the city offers, and services people already pay for through taxes is valuable. I’ll be making a big push to get building inspection more active (starting with my district, but eventually city-wide)
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
MGR Govindarajan (D8): Yes I’m committed to it. My district might be the one that hates car transportation the most, given that most of us don’t have a car. When it comes to transportation, students don’t care about tree canopy, they want more bike lanes and want to make sure the sidewalks are clear of snow in the winter. We actively try to convert UW’s parking lots to apartments lol
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
MGR Govindarajan (D8): Park Street + Dayton, Park St + University, Park St + Johnson, University + Randall, Randall + Dayton
Some of these already have gotten vision zero improvements, through new bike lanes etc. I’ll continue to work on the transportation commission to ensure these areas stay as safe as possible.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
MGR Govindarajan (D8): Johnson St. & University Ave
Either create a two-way shouldered bike lane on University Ave, or a one-way shouldered bike lane on Johnson and one on University (and remove the non-shoulder bike lane on Uni Ave)
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
MGR Govindarajan (D8): Less parking spots is a great start. People won’t drive if they can’t park.
My biggest pet peeve is on Johnson St (though in D4, not D8) there are on-street parking that prevents the city from placing a bus lane.
Johnson St in that area is literally the only main road that gets traffic from east to west, and there’s street parking. That’s insane.
MGR Govindarajan (D8): Double or triple the price to park. At least match it to UW’s parking rates. It’s crazy we subsidize parking as much as we do.
District 10: Yannette Figueroa Cole
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): Own
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): This summer biked everywhere, bus infrequently
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): Weather dependent via bike or car
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): I sponsored the Area Plans strategy because dividing the city into larger areas allows for a more cohesive planning landscape and balances community input across various stakeholders. The Southwest area plan is currently in motion, allowing us to look at multi-family and affordable housing restrictions that have made it harder for diverse communities to form and for families to live where they choose. Expanding home types in more neighborhoods can help open doors for historically excluded people. These goals require a robust transit system in the area and investment in economic development opportunities. Most of the open spaces in this area are near the beltline where density, especially for low-income families, is not optimal. However, I look forward to supporting and working for the density the plan may suggest.
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): Yes, I would support similar zoning reforms in Madison. Eliminating parking minimums and allowing small multi-family buildings by-right throughout the city would help us address key challenges, including growing the tax base, increasing housing availability, and reducing sprawl. Eliminating parking minimums would free up land for more housing and commercial development, particularly in transit-rich areas. This would promote more sustainable, walkable communities and encourage the use of public transit or biking, reducing our reliance on cars and lowering traffic congestion. Allowing small multi-family buildings by-right would help Madison address its housing shortage by enabling more affordable options in neighborhoods that currently restrict such development. This would increase the overall housing supply, making it easier for people to find homes in desirable areas without pushing development to the outskirts of the city, which leads to sprawl and strains infrastructure. Higher-density, mixed-use neighborhoods also generate more property tax revenue per acre, helping to support essential city services. By focusing on smart, sustainable growth within the city, we can make better use of available land while reducing the environmental impact of sprawl.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): I believe that affordable housing projects funded by the City of Madison should remain affordable for a longer period than 40 years. While 40 years is a significant commitment, the need for affordable housing in our city is long-term, and we must ensure that these properties continue to provide housing options for low-income residents beyond that period. One possible approach would be to extend the affordability period to 50 or even 60 years. This would allow residents to benefit from affordable housing for a longer time, ensuring stability and minimizing the disruption of displacement. Extending the affordability period would also help avoid the cycle of redevelopment that can push lower-income residents out of the city as neighborhoods gentrify. Another consideration is the option of ensuring that these properties remain affordable in perpetuity, perhaps by creating long-term agreements with developers or by offering incentives for them to commit to ongoing affordability. This could be especially beneficial in neighborhoods where land is becoming scarce, and new development is limited. Affordable housing is a critical component of maintaining a diverse, inclusive, and thriving community, and by extending the affordability commitment, we can better ensure that future generations of residents have access to safe and affordable housing in Madison. As we face ongoing challenges in the housing market, prioritizing long-term affordability will help keep Madison an accessible place for people of all income levels.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): The City of Madison should use land banking to secure land for affordable housing. As land prices in desirable neighborhoods continue to rise, it’s becoming harder for affordable housing developers to find space to build. By acquiring land before prices get too high, the City can help prevent displacement and ensure that there’s land available for affordable housing in the future. Land banking gives the City the chance to plan ahead. By holding onto land in areas with good access to transit and services, the City can make sure that when the time comes for development, the land is available at a price that works for affordable housing projects. Without this kind of strategy, developers could be priced out of key areas, and that would only push affordable housing further away from where it’s needed most. It also helps stabilize land prices. When the City controls more land, it keeps the prices from escalating due to speculation, making sure the land stays available for long-term, community-focused development. Plus, by securing land near transit and other resources, we can make sure affordable housing is built in places that will make life easier for residents and support the broader growth of the city.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): To promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, we need to focus on both immediate relief and long-term solutions. For unhoused individuals, we must prioritize expanding permanent supportive housing. This model ensures people have a stable place to live while receiving necessary support services, such as mental health care and job assistance. I’m committed to increasing access to this type of housing, as it provides the foundation for individuals to rebuild their lives. We must ensure our emergency shelters are safe, dignified, and offer pathways to long-term housing. I will work to expand shelter options, especially during the winter months, and ensure they provide the resources and support that help individuals transition into permanent homes. For seniors and individuals with disabilities, Madison must increase the availability of accessible and affordable housing. We should focus on creating age-friendly housing options and ensuring that people with disabilities can find affordable units with the necessary support services. This can include rental assistance programs and subsidies for those who need them most. We must address the root causes of housing instability, such as rising rents and the lack of affordable housing. By prioritizing the development of affordable housing near essential services and transit, we can make sure that vulnerable populations have access to the resources they need to thrive. Through these efforts, Madison can create lasting housing stability and ensure that all residents, regardless of their circumstances, have a safe place to call home.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): Renters in Madison face significant challenges, and the City must take proactive steps to ensure they have access to safe, fair, and affordable housing. Strengthening tenant protections is essential to ensuring renters are treated fairly by landlords. This includes enforcing laws against discrimination, providing clear information about tenants’ rights, and implementing stronger measures to prevent unjust evictions. The City can better serve tenants by supporting the creation of a local tenants’ rights organization or expanding the role of existing organizations. These resources would offer tenants guidance, legal assistance, and help them enforce their rights. It’s vital that renters understand their rights, and providing accessible resources empowers them to advocate for themselves. To improve housing stability, the City should focus on policies that encourage affordable housing development. Supporting projects that include affordable units, alongside market-rate ones, increases the number of housing options at various price points for renters, helping to meet growing demand without displacing current residents. Inspections of rental properties should be robust and frequent to ensure all housing meets safety and health standards. Establishing an efficient process for tenants to report unsafe or unhealthy conditions and ensuring swift action is taken will improve accountability. By focusing on stronger tenant protections, expanding resources for renters, and improving property oversight, Madison can create a housing environment that is fair, safe, and affordable for all.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): I am fully committed to supporting the Complete Green Streets policy in my district and across Madison. Prioritizing walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure is essential to creating a more sustainable, equitable, and livable city. It’s important to recognize that our streets should serve all residents, not just those with access to private cars, and that the safety and health of our community should come first. When it comes to projects that require the removal of car parking or travel lanes, I believe the role of an alder is to be the voice of the constituents. During my tenure, I have made sure to hear out all voices, ensuring that residents feel heard and understood. While I firmly support the long-term benefits of this policy, I will always take the time to listen to concerns and work with the community to find solutions that balance their needs with the goals of sustainability and public safety. It’s about improving quality of life for everyone in the district, while also advancing our broader goals for a greener, more accessible city. The Hammersley Road redesign includes infrastructure that promotes speed reduction and a multi-use all ages, all abilities path for bikers and pedestrians, it is an example where there was controversy but the changes are now welcomed and appreciated.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): Madison’s commitment to Vision Zero is essential, and we must work to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Throughout my work on the City Council, I’ve consistently prioritized the safety of all residents, especially vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, and those with mobility challenges. In my district, there are several roadways and intersections that require additional attention to ensure safety. I have been working to identify areas where traffic calming measures, safer crosswalks, and better lighting could reduce risks. It’s clear that road design plays a significant role in preventing accidents, and I’ve been committed to advocating for changes that make our streets safer for everyone. To achieve Vision Zero, we need to continue pushing for infrastructure improvements like bike lanes, pedestrian-friendly intersections, and slower speed limits in high-traffic areas. I also support expanding traffic safety education and ensuring that enforcement aligns with our vision of eliminating traffic-related fatalities. As we move toward the goal of Vision Zero, I’ll continue to work with the community, my fellow alders, and city staff to ensure that the necessary resources and strategies are in place to protect all road users. Achieving Vision Zero requires both systemic changes and an ongoing commitment to prioritizing safety.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): Building a safe, comfortable bike network is essential to increasing bicycle mode share in Madison, and there are areas in my district where gaps in this network are evident. One major concern is the lack of protected bike lanes in high-traffic areas (Seminole Hwy, Raymond Road, Whitney Way), which can make cyclists feel unsafe sharing space with cars. These areas need improvements to ensure that cyclists of all ages and abilities can navigate with confidence. To address these gaps, I would focus on creating protected bike lanes in areas where traffic speeds are higher, and ensure that these routes are well-connected to key destinations like transit hubs, schools, and community centers. Improving bike infrastructure in neighborhoods that currently lack safe routes would encourage more people to bike by providing accessible and secure options. In addition, I would prioritize enhancing connections between existing bike routes and critical locations, like transit stops, to ensure cyclists have easy access to public transportation options. Expanding the availability of bike racks in busy areas would also provide cyclists with safer places to store their bikes.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): To reduce transportation-related emissions over the next five years, Madison should prioritize transitioning public transit to electric vehicles, particularly by securing grants for electric city buses. Switching to an electric bus fleet would significantly reduce emissions from one of the largest sources of transportation pollution, while also cutting long-term operational costs. This transition is a critical step toward making public transportation more sustainable and environmentally friendly. At the same time, expanding and improving the city’s public transit system will make it a more appealing option for residents. This means ensuring better coverage and reliability of bus routes, as well as making transit more affordable, which will encourage more people to use it and reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road. To support the broader adoption of electric vehicles, the city should also invest in expanding EV charging infrastructure. This includes increasing the availability of charging stations in key locations, such as public parking areas, transit hubs, and along major corridors. Ensuring that residents and businesses have easy access to charging stations will help make the transition to electric vehicles more feasible and convenient for everyone. By focusing on electric buses, expanding transit services, and investing in charging infrastructure, Madison can create a more sustainable transportation system that reduces emissions and promotes a cleaner, greener future for the city.
Yannette Figueroa Cole (D10): Madison is not a corporation focused on turning a profit, but that doesn’t mean we can afford to continue operating at a loss when it comes to providing private vehicle storage. The city’s primary role should be to create a balanced and sustainable transportation system that serves the public good, not subsidize parking at a loss. While providing parking is necessary in some areas, especially where demand is high, we have to be mindful of the financial impact on taxpayers. The city should consider more cost-effective solutions that still meet the needs of residents and businesses. Rather than continuing to heavily subsidize parking, Madison could explore alternative funding mechanisms, such as adjusting parking fees to reflect the true cost of providing and maintaining parking. The revenue generated from these fees could be reinvested into more sustainable transportation options, like expanding public transit and creating better bike and pedestrian infrastructure. Madison should also focus on reducing reliance on private vehicles by promoting alternatives like biking, walking, and public transit. As we invest in more sustainable options, the demand for parking can decrease, allowing the city to better manage its resources without significant losses. While the city doesn’t need to run parking like a business, it must be fiscally responsible and explore ways to reduce the financial burden on taxpayers while still accommodating transportation needs. This balance will ensure that we can support the city’s growth and provide services that align with our long-term sustainability goals.
District 12: Julia Matthews
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Julia Matthews (D12): Own (for the first time as of March 2024)
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Julia Matthews (D12): I took Bus Rapid Transit to a meeting on the Square two weeks ago.
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Julia Matthews (D12): Currently car (Commute to office three days a week)
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Julia Matthews (D12): The majority of the current residential areas in District 12 are along the East-West (and proposed North-South) BRT lines, and with that the TOD overlay. With the TOD the allowable density is already expanded some which can be seen from the several new apartment buildings currently under development or in the planning stages right now. I do think continuing to increase density along the bus routes will be important for the housing growth needed in the district. And especially along East Washington, there are several lots that are currently being proposed for new affordable apartments that do not currently contain any housing.
Julia Matthews (D12): We are and have been in a housing crisis. Furthermore, Madison is consistently the fastest growing city in Wisconsin, anticipating 115,000 new residents by 2050, while Dane County’s population is expected to increase by 38%. Without knowing the full methodology behind these models (of population growth), my gut worries they will be undercounts. We must take proactive steps to prepare for future residents, but more so guarantee our current neighbors can continue affording to call Madison home. Zoning and land use reform is a necessary part of the solution for all three of the topics you identified. Especially along transit routes it makes sense to not have parking minimums and new housing proposals in the district have included support for alternate forms of transportation, like B-cycle stations and Zip car. The city definitely needs to streamline the development process, especially if we want smaller-scale development to be economically feasible.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Julia Matthews (D12): The city should build in more requirements to the funding it provides that require a longer period of units being affordable, and for housing projects where only a portion of the units are designated affordable maybe even include more units being converted to affordable over time. I want to be upfront that I know current state law prohibits universal rent control at the city level. So I can’t say for sure if this would be possible, however it is worth asking if the city could on a project-by-project basis build rent increase caps into the contracts when providing city funds. While I do think the time frame for the units being affordable should be longer, I also think it is somewhat reasonable to expect that after 50+ years, those units will most likely become naturally occurring affordable housing as long as the overall vacancy issues have been addressed.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Julia Matthews (D12): Land banking and subsequent RFP processes are the main way in which the City can direct, not just influence, development. With the state preemptions the City is very limited in dictating affordability of independent development projects, but if they own the land or contribute money (like through the affordable housing fund) they are able to require affordability. The Brayton Lot is an area that has a lot of potential to have high quality housing near the capital that includes affordable units.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Julia Matthews (D12): Madison has made progress on affordable housing through initiatives like the Affordable Housing Fund and partnerships with nonprofits and developers, but we are still far behind in meeting the growing demand. The City should prioritize higher-density housing near transit and essential services and streamline approvals for affordable projects. Preserving existing affordable units and protecting renters from displacement are also crucial. These efforts are vital to ensure Madison remains an inclusive, equitable city. As Madison grows, it will be especially important to focus city funds on projects that include apartments for folks who make 30% or less of the area median income (AMI), especially since the AMI is so high. Even folks who would qualify for a 30% AMI apartment would be cost burdened if their income is much less than 30%. The City should also support existing organizations who do non-profit affordable housing work and have creative housing models like the tiny home villages or housing co-ops.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Julia Matthews (D12): While state preemption laws render some local tenant protections unenforceable, the City should do all within its power to ensure everyone, renters included, have access to safe, fair, and affordable housing. Because the Landlord and tenant issues committee dissolved along with the housing strategy committee so they could be combined, it will be extremely important to make sure that the new committee still provides an outlet and space for tenant issues to be addressed.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Julia Matthews (D12): I am very supportive of alternative forms of transportation. When the North Street Neighborhood Association surveyed Emerson East and Eken Park, many of the answers for what people liked about the neighborhoods included how walkable they are. And while knocking doors (especially on the north side) many residents have expressed that better bike infrastructure is a priority for them. As density is increased around the District, the need for better bike and walking infrastructure, as well as public transit will be important for integrating that new density into the existing community without huge increases in car traffic.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Julia Matthews (D12): District 12 has a lot of roadways and intersections that could be dangerous for pedestrians, especially as we increase density along Packers and East Washington. But there are also traffic/pedestrian concerns even in the more single-family home heavy neighborhoods. Emerson East is bordered by 113 (1st St, Pennsylvania Ave/Packers) and 151 (East Washington) and the intersection at E. Johnson and 4th St (with high pedestrian traffic by students) often has cars speeding through way above the speed limit. The streets that connect Sherman Ave and Packers in the Sherman neighborhood also have a lot of high speed through traffic. The Hawthorne neighborhood is bordered by 151, Highway 30, and Stoughton Rd and N. Fair Oaks cuts through the middle. With that said, I think prioritizing safety improvements in the high traffic areas around the schools in the district may be a good place to start. But as the non-exhaustive listing above shows, there are a lot of roadways in District 12 that are not friendly to pedestrians or bicyclists, and these highways cutting through the District seem to really make it hard to go between neighborhoods without a car, even when the actual distance needing to be travelled is small. Also there is a lot to be desired for bike infrastructure in District 12, especially as you go North. I expect that I will need to become very familiar with Traffic Engineering to work towards prioritizing the safety improvements across the district.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Julia Matthews (D12): From what I have heard talking to people in the district and from what I can see on the Dane County Bicycle Map, the major gaps are on the northside around Fordem and Sherman Ave. There is an off street crossing near Packers and International. And there is an off street bike path that runs through the far side of Eken Park through Carpenter Ridgeway all the way to Reindahl Park. I think we need better bike infrastructure on the north side, but I would also want to check-in with people who bike all around the district to see if there are any other major gaps to address.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Julia Matthews (D12): I think building up bike/pedestrian infrastructure and safety as well as the BRT capacity/reliability will go far to encourage folks to use alternate modes of transportation and limit single occupancy car trips. Metro being 1/3 electric buses is great, and as possible (given potentially limited funding options in the near future), the city should continue to increase the proportion of electric buses. But even a gas powered bus will generally have less emissions than a gas powered car per passenger mile. As a reference to the question below, if the structural deficit combined with losses of federal funding lead to dire budget cutting decisions, decreasing the subsidy of parking downtown could encourage folks to take advantage of BRT instead of driving.
Julia Matthews (D12): Given City of Madison residents were asked and voted for the ongoing budget referendum in 2024 to the tune of $22 million, our elected officials must continue to be discerning on the budgetary impacts of their decisions. Subsidizing parking stalls downtown may be something we as a whole community value, perhaps not, or only up to a certain dollar amount. As an alder, I will need to take all of this into consideration, when casting votes. When purchasing our home, my partner’s quick napkin math stated he would personally save a minimum of $55,000 over the course of our 30-year mortgage if he could commute via bus rather than pay to park Downtown. $1.5 million annually is not insignificant when looking at the budget for some city services. I do think that if the parking cost were to increase substantially downtown, it would be important to look at how that would impact disabled folks and look at offsetting the cost in those cases.
District 14: Noah Lieberman
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Noah Lieberman (D14): Own
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Noah Lieberman (D14): I either bike or bus to work every day.
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Noah Lieberman (D14): I used to use my cargo bike as my primary mode of transportation, but have had to use my car more since the birth of my daughter in August. Because she’s not old enough to ride in a bike seat, we need to travel by car in order to safely take her places. However, I’m hopeful that by this summer she’ll be able to ride with me on the bike and I can go back to using that as my main mode of transportation.
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Noah Lieberman (D14): I think that South Madison’s area plan will need increases in density, though not as substantially as other parts of town, since South Madison (and specifically district 14) is already home to a higher amount of multi-unit housing than other parts of town. While density will be necessary in any new development, I would love to see more owner-occupied units built in my district and more senior living centers in neighborhoods which currently lack them. What our district really needs is more multi-use development and zoning so residents can access retail and commercial space more easily without using a car. I think the development planned for S Park St fits in well with this goal, but I would like to see a more targeted plan for the Moorland and Waunona areas as well.
Noah Lieberman (D14): Absolutely, for all the points listed above. Additionally, allowing multi-family development throughout the city will increase equity and ensure a more diverse population in more neighborhoods. It’s also worth noting that this will reduce the amount of car travel needed in Madison, which is especially important for our climate-related goals.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Noah Lieberman (D14): In theory, I think that we should be looking for more long-term affordable housing beyond the current 40-year requirement. However, we are in such a crisis in our current shortage of affordable housing that I don’t think that pursuing that change now would be prudent. We need to be removing as many barriers as possible to encourage the new development of affordable housing, including outdated zoning laws and bureaucratic roadblocks.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Noah Lieberman (D14): I think the city should continue land banking practices to acquire lots for affordable housing and other development which serves the public interest. I would especially like to see this done in neighborhoods like those downtown and on the west side which haven’t had as many of these projects undertaken in the recent past. I also think that if the city is providing the land for these types of projects, it should be able to put stricter requirements on the developers and operators of these projects, such as higher environmental standards and recognition of tenants unions.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Noah Lieberman (D14): Our options are limited by state-level preemption, as they are for a lot of our most pressing issues. New development is the most straightforward answer to increase our housing supply and provide more opportunities for people of all backgrounds, but we need to be more intentional about how and where we build this housing. In my district, for example, there is a need for more senior-oriented housing, so that seniors can continue to live in their communities after they are ready to move on from their larger single-family homes. As for unhoused individuals, I think that our new shelter construction will help with short-term displacements, but we need to partner with landlords to provide more permanent housing solutions. This is an area where our land banking could be useful, as owning the land can allow us to have a closer relationship with the long-term operators of the property and can help us avoid the typical causes of eviction that lead someone back into a cycle of being unhoused.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Noah Lieberman (D14): I was proud to serve as Chair of Madison’s Landlord Tenant Issues Committee, which gave me a much closer look at what the city currently does to support tenants. Unfortunately, many tenants are not aware of the services provided by Building Inspection and other city offices to ensure their rights are respected by their landlord. So my first goal is simply a greater educational effort to inform tenants of their rights and what remedies are available. I would also look to increase the support for organizations like the Tenant Resource Center, to make sure they are able to continue doing their great work. Additionally, I think that tenants are much stronger when they speak with a unified voice and use their collective power. I think the city can help renters form tenants unions for their properties, knowing that if they are mistreated the city will have their back. Ultimately, we will need changes in state law in order to take a more direct and active hand in supporting tenants, but I think these are good steps for the immediate future.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Noah Lieberman (D14): I support this initiative 100%. As our city continues to grow at a rapid pace, we need to be transitioning away from single-occupant vehicles as much as possible for the long-term health of our infrastructure and climate. I think that a large part of dealing with resident concerns will be through town halls and education. As we continue to convert streets and can point to our successes, I think that this job will be made easier, since we can show the relatively minimal increase in traffic and commute times, as well as the numerous benefits for everyone who experiences the street from outside of a car. The loss of on-street parking is a more serious concern in my opinion, especially around apartments and other multi-family housing. The sad truth is that for many working-class people, especially those who don’t live next to a major bus route, a car is still necessary to travel to work, school, and businesses in a timely manner. I think that removal of street parking should be paired with an increase in bus service and more sheltered bus stops in the affected areas, along with permitting for on-street parking to make sure it is being used by the primary vehicles of residents, rather than long-term parking for more limited-use vehicles.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Noah Lieberman (D14): South Park Street is the roadway which most desperately needs reworking in District 14, though it is far from the only one. Crossing Park St is still needlessly dangerous at far too many intersections, both on foot and on bike. As part of the redesign that will come with the second BRT line, I will advocate for the inclusion of traffic slowing infrastructure and design to prevent the rampant speeding we currently see there, as well as more visibility and protection for pedestrians and cyclists. Moorland road is another that needs these sorts of interventions, and has already seen success from the implementation of a pedestrian island near Southside Elementary to slow down cars and protect children walking to/from school. More measures like that are still needed on the eastern end of the road, since cars are not still not quick enough to reduce their speed when entering the residential portion of the road.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Noah Lieberman (D14): Our district has good access to the bike trail network through the Capital City and Wingra Creek paths, but traveling within the district can be hard as a cyclist. The lack of a protected bike lane down Park St can make it incredibly dangerous to travel on as a cyclist, making it needlessly hard to access the businesses and other locations on that street. Adding clearly marked and physically separated/protected bike lanes to this street needs to be part of the redesign, especially near intersections with other major roads, like Fish Hatchery.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Noah Lieberman (D14): The main course we should take is making public transit more accessible, reliable, and comfortable to use. I think we need to target new routes for increased frequency, add heated bus shelters to frequently used stops to promote winter ridership, and reintroduce some of the local routes that were removed as part of the recent redesign.
Noah Lieberman (D14): I think there is a need for some amount of public parking for private vehicles, but I don’t think that we need it to the same extent that we see today. I would rather see parking lots operated by the city rather than private companies, as it gives us more control over pricing and other policies that tie into our transportation and environmental initiatives, though there are currently some state preemptions that prevent more substantial policy.
District 15: Ryan Koglin
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Ryan Koglin (D15): I own a home with my wife
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Ryan Koglin (D15): I ride my bike during the spring-fall seasons.
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Ryan Koglin (D15): I typically walk, bike or drive depending on where I am going.
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Ryan Koglin (D15): Some areas in district 15 have the capacity for more density. The south east area plan will be one of my areas of focus and community engagement. I believe we need to be looking at all the potential sites and maximizing the density in locations that are along transit or near employment.
Ryan Koglin (D15): Yes. I support zoning reform and ensuring Madison has the ability and capacity to grow. Madison needs to allow for density so people have a better access to transit, jobs and housing.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Ryan Koglin (D15): I believe the city should explore all ways to ensure housing remains affordable for as long as possible. If we can extend the years, that would help the city avoid similar affordability issues for future generations.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Ryan Koglin (D15): I think the city should explore other ways to help developers besides land acquisition. If a developer can purchase the land could the city subsidize rent instead of the land? As alder, I will work with local groups who have the knowledge to help me develop plans and goals for d15. This will be especially important during the southeast area plan.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Ryan Koglin (D15): The city should explore zoning reform to allow housing to be built in unique ways.
Tiny home projects throughout the city would increase the housing options for single individuals. Multi use projects like the Red Caboose and Moving Out project on Winnebago is a great example of how housing for people with disabilities can be mindfully planned and built. Two significant needs were met with child care and housing. The city needs to explore ways to keep property taxes down and seniors in their homes.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Ryan Koglin (D15): Investing in programs and organizations like The Tenant Resource Center should be a priority. These groups are doing the day to day work to ensure tenants rights are being enforced. Collaborating with these groups ensures the work and needs of the community are being met.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Ryan Koglin (D15): One of goals as alder is to increase the engagement of the community on these issues. I live in district 15 because of the ability to walk and bike everywhere. We have limited parking in some areas and those are of some of busiest places. If we can show that less parking and more trees is a long term benefit to the community then people will be less concerned.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Ryan Koglin (D15): One intersection that stands out to me is the corner or Fair Oaks and Atwood. It is a school crossing and busy car area as people come into or leave the area. It is due for a redevelopment and the safety of the walking, biking and children in the area should be a priority.
I would like to see more pedestrian initiated lights crossing over Atwood and monona drive to create safer opportunities for people to access both sides.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Ryan Koglin (D15): The nine oath was redone through Olbrich Park recently. I’d like to ensure the oath continues to navigate d15 and get people from the Atwood neighborhood to the south end near the beltline. As we add more housing and jobs having access to the bike path will be an important aspect and benefit.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Ryan Koglin (D15): The city can reduce parking minimums so that problem are not driving more cars. As the transit options grow the need for massive parking lots and minimums will decrease.
Ryan Koglin (D15): NA
District 16: Sean O’Brien
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Sean O’Brien (D16): I grew up on the east side and bought my current home in District 16.
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Sean O’Brien (D16): I recently rode the bus from an event downtown to Hilldale!
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Sean O’Brien (D16): The primary way I move around Madison is my personal vehicle, but I am eager to see more public transit options extend into District 16 and the far east side. We need to make public transportation more accessible and efficient for residents across the city to make bussing a more convenient and reliable option.
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Sean O’Brien (D16): I’m so excited by the Southeast Area Plan, and I think there are some fantastic ideas in the plan that are still being developed. I want to see more community input on these projects and ensure that our neighborhoods have a voice in the plan.
I support increases in density, particularly in parts of the city with access to transit service, community services, jobs, and opportunities for residents. In Madison, I believe there are places for large apartment buildings, single family homes, and the “missing middle” type of housing like duplexes, four-squares, condominiums, and everything in between. The key is allowing for housing options that meet peoples’ diverse needs at different stages of life. We are still in the early phases of the Southeast Area Plan, but in the final iteration I hope to see pedestrian and cyclist safety prioritized, more public transit options, protected green spaces, and a nearby community center for District 16 residents.
Sean O’Brien (D16): I believe we need to increase density where appropriate in Madison to better accommodate our growing population. But we need to be smart about where we are building new housing, prioritizing access to services, jobs, public transit, and other opportunities for residents. I support building new housing of all types and sizes, including smaller multi-family homes to conserve space and maximize land usage in order to avoid sprawl. As we continue to build housing to meet growing demand, the city must be cognizant of existing gaps in services and do everything in our power to end food and healthcare deserts in Madison. We should also rethink whether and where parking minimums make sense, and I look forward to being a part of those ongoing conversations with the city.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Sean O’Brien (D16): I believe we should require that city-funded housing developments stay affordable for as long as possible. This allows current residents more breathing room and predictability with their personal finances, as well as helps new residents enter the housing market. I am also open to the idea of the city eventually purchasing certain properties that are no longer deemed affordable to allow for longer-term affordability.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Sean O’Brien (D16): The city should absolutely play an active role in acquiring land for affordable housing development to help house current and future residents, bring down costs, and alleviate burden on taxpayers. I have been encouraged by the City’s investments in affordable housing, but we need to do more like using TIF money and the Affordable Housing Fund to buy property in neighborhoods with transit and other services, and should “land-bank” that property for future affordable housing development.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Sean O’Brien (D16): We need to do a better job of serving and supporting the unhoused population in Madison. As an alder, I will support programs that are working to help get people into owner-occupied housing, including Acre and Home by the American Dream. But we need to deepen our commitment to sheltering the unhoused and prevent seniors and those living on a fixed income from getting priced out of Madison. I support initiatives that will help our seniors and most vulnerable residents age in place and stay in their homes, as well as explore ways to lower costs for residents through property tax assistance programs and municipal utility bill support for those struggling most.
I am a young homeowner, and my parents are seniors who are living on a fixed income. I have seen firsthand the price squeezing that is happening across our city and limiting current residents’ options. I think we need to use every tool at our disposal to stop people from getting priced out of Madison.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Sean O’Brien (D16): This is a big issue that needs more attention from our city. Alders should be actively listening to residents who rent and elevating the voices of those most harmed in the housing market. The city should continue to financially support organizations that provide direct services to tenants and advocate for decent living conditions. I also want to push for the state to give Madison some power back in the realm of tenant protections, namely the ability to proactively inspect rental unit conditions and enforce building violations to compel landlords to make needed repairs.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Sean O’Brien (D16): I am committed to improving pedestrian and cyclist safety in District 16, as well as expanding public transit options in all of our neighborhoods. I am open to all strategies to reduce congestion, make navigating our streets safer, and expand Madison’s urban canopy. I am also committed to listening to all residents of District 16 and taking their concerns seriously, and I look forward to raising awareness of the benefits that come with neighborhood infrastructure that places less of a focus on personal vehicles.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Sean O’Brien (D16): I will support policies to expand and secure funding for Vision Zero to eliminate traffic-related deaths by 2030. I often hear from District 16 residents that one of their greatest concerns is speeding and reckless driving in our neighborhoods. Some of the most common intersections that are brought up in those conversations are Acewood and Cottage Grove, as well as East Buckeye and Stoughton Road.
No one should have to worry about their own safety when crossing the street to get to work, go to the grocery store, or drop off their child at school. Whether it’s speed bumps or narrowing traffic lanes so that it’s harder to speed, there are tangible steps we can be taking to improve our safety infrastructure and make our streets safer for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians alike.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Sean O’Brien (D16): Mobility extends beyond motor vehicles, and we should not only be thinking about cars, buses, and trains when we imagine our city’s future. Madison is already one of the most bike-friendly cities in America, and I want to keep us moving in the right direction to keep cyclists and pedestrians safe. As an alder, I want to continue to invest in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure that is modern and safe, including sheltered bike paths and cross signals. District 16 is home to some beautiful bike paths, but we need to fix the massive and glaring gaps in our biking network east of the Interstate where residents are currently very separated from this infrastructure. My hope is that we can make Madison even more walkable and cyclist-friendly as we enter the next decade.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Sean O’Brien (D16): As a young person, addressing the climate crisis is a top priority for me. As an alder, I will continue the work of keeping Madison on track to meet our ambitious net zero carbon goal and 100% renewable energy target for the city government by 2030. I will continue to invest in solar and other renewable energy sources and expand the city fleet to be completely electric, including our buses and emergency vehicles.
Investments like these will help protect our natural resources, keep our parks safe and beautiful, and safeguard our waters from toxic forever chemicals like PFAS. They will also create opportunities for good-paying jobs and training in the trades. I believe that climate and a strong economy go hand-in-hand, and our city should take advantage of the opportunities before us by tackling the climate crisis head on.
I’ve been encouraged by Madison’s efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and how the city has used funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and other federal legislation to invest in clean energy projects, build new infrastructure, and electrify our city’s buses through BRT. It is also incredible that Madison is home to the first all-electric fire truck in North America. But we must do more and deepen our commitment to a just, rapid transition away from carbon-based energy.
Sean O’Brien (D16): Madison should continue to provide options for private vehicle storage downtown, but we need to get creative about maintaining these garages and minimizing the amount of usable space they consume. We should also be prioritizing other forms of transportation, making it easier for District 16 residents to ride into and out of the Isthmus by offering more frequent and reliable public transit options. Whenever possible, the city should also avoid disproportionately burdening low-income households with parking fees.
District 18: Carmella Glenn
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Carmella Glenn (D18): Own
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Carmella Glenn (D18): I do not personally bike or bus.
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Carmella Glenn (D18): Personal vehicle
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Carmella Glenn (D18): Yes, District 18 definitely has an
opportunity to increase density, and I think we should.
I would prioritize increasing density along transit lines, especially in
areas covered by the Transit Overlay District and arterial roads that
could have future transit along them if more people live there. We also
need to be sure that with an increase in density we are building in the
appropriate resources. Mixed use development will also be key in keeping
a balance and quality of life for the folks who are living there.
Carmella Glenn (D18): Yes. Parking requirements add cost to development, and in some areas it’s easier for folks to live without a car, or one car. There are people who will move into housing who don’t benefit from cars, and are less likely to use the parking anyway. It makes sense that their housing payment would then be lowered without the additional cost of parking.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Carmella Glenn (D18): Raising the minimum amount of years seems appropriate. I am open to the city taking actions such as buying some of these properties to make affordability more permanent.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Carmella Glenn (D18): We can achieve this by using affordable housing fund and using TIF for land banking, because then the projects would have more city control. We can also offer more non-financial incentives in zoning.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Carmella Glenn (D18): We can’t assume housing means the same thing to each individual. We can use city money and operate shelter(s) and also fund and support organizations that help people navigating housing systems such as vouchers. And of course, there are more creative solutions such as the OM villages, that allow for housing that meets people where they are
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Carmella Glenn (D18): Properly funding the Tenant Resource Center. Also working with state legislative partners to be more proactive with building inspections. Supporting the work of violence prevention initiatives to help stabilize properties can also have an impact and help to engage tenants/organizing.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Carmella Glenn (D18): I support traffic calming designs that lead to safer communities, but this may not be a popular idea with district residents. I will be using information from experts from city staff on why this policy works, and promote these strategies in my constituent communication.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Carmella Glenn (D18): I hear from a lot of folks that speeding is a problem overall, but especially near the schools, areas where there are a lot of pedestrians trying to cross such as Northport Drive.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Carmella Glenn (D18): Connectivity seems to be the biggest issue on the northside, and as I mentioned above, having to cross Northport Drive to reach the rest of the city and some neighborhood necessities such as groceries and pharmacy.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Carmella Glenn (D18): We have more electric fleet and buses, and could keep expanding on that. We can make it easier for folks to use cars less, and consider thoughtfully placing EV chargers
Carmella Glenn (D18): We can continue to make Metro easier to ride by offering service in more neighborhoods and improve paratransit, so that people don’t need cars to reach that area of the city.
District 18: Kevin A Monroe
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
Kevin A Monroe (D18): Own
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
Kevin A Monroe (D18): Bike this past summer.
What is the primary way you move around the city?
Kevin A Monroe (D18): Car/Motorcycle
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
Kevin A Monroe (D18): I’m having trouble seeing the Area plan for my district. But I would guess that any estimate will need to be adjusted, especially if there is development of Raemisch farms.
Kevin A Monroe (D18): I would support similar reforms; Madison is going to have to adapt with the exponential growth of our population. Utilizing these types of mixed-use spaces is a smart use of our limited land mass and ensures affordable housing is dispersed rather than in concentrated blocks.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
Kevin A Monroe (D18): Those housing projects should always have subsidized housing available as long as they exist.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
Kevin A Monroe (D18): The city should ensure that there is space available for affordable housing throughout the city. Dispersing affordable housing helps decrease over policing of those communities.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
Kevin A Monroe (D18): Again, by ensuring there is affordable housing dispersed throughout the city. And subsidizing in home and senior care.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
Kevin A Monroe (D18): Start by going out to see what renters have to say about how things are being run, find problem areas and ensure tenant rights are being respected.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
Kevin A Monroe (D18): I support these initiatives where they make sense, downtown already lacks severely in parking. Any removal would be detrimental to the businesses in that area. However, areas such as district 18 have no access to the cities’ bike paths, making it difficult to use a bike as a regular form of transportation
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
Kevin A Monroe (D18): Northport and Mandrake and difficult intersections. I would support the addition of a stop light like the one just put in at School and Northport.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
Kevin A Monroe (D18): As stated before, district 18 as almost no access to the cities’ bike paths. Building paths to connect to the north side would be huge.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
Kevin A Monroe (D18): Implement more alternative fuel sources for city vehicles and look forward to the new alternatives coming down the road, such as hydrogen fuel cells.
Kevin A Monroe (D18): The city shouldn’t be subsidizing private vehicle parking, that money could be better used elsewhere.
District 19: John Guequierre
Introduce yourself
Do you own or rent your primary residence?
John Guequierre (D19): Yes
When was the last time you rode your bike or took the bus to work, to school, or for an errand?
John Guequierre (D19): December 4, 2024
What is the primary way you move around the city?
John Guequierre (D19): Car for evening in-person meetings, bus or bike for daytime meetings
Zoning and Land Use
Question: During the rest of this decade, Madison will produce 12 new Area Plans to guide development and transportation decisions throughout the city. The West and Northeast plans were approved in 2024. Do you think the Area Plans that cover your district will need substantial increases in density? How should that density be distributed? (If you are in the West or Northeast areas use the density in the newly adopted Area Plans as your reference point.)
John Guequierre (D19): District 19 was included in the West Area Plan approved by the Common Council in 2024. As District 19 Alder, I supported the major opportunities for increased density, primarily along the BRT corridor on Mineral Point Rd and along some sections of Whitney Way, University Avenue, and Old Sauk Road. I have also championed the developments in those areas coming through the permitting process. The Soutwest Area Plan has recently entered the resident outreach period. The Plan includes a small strip of District 19 between the Beltline and Schroeder Road. It is another area where increased density is possible and currently allowed. I’ll be working to preserve that ability.
John Guequierre (D19): As District 19 alder, I have and will. I’m a co-sponsor of ordinance amendments coming before the Common Council in February 2025.
Housing Affordability
Question: Affordable housing projects that are subsidized by the City of Madison have typically been required to remain affordable for low-income residents for 40 years, but are not required to remain affordable after that. What are your thoughts on the length of time that City-funded housing developments should be required to stay affordable?
John Guequierre (D19): As we struggle to learn how affordable housing projects, which often include layers of state and federal funding, may be affected by the Trump administration, our first efforts may need to be focused on preserving the leverage we currently have to require 40-year commitments, which are related to typical financing horizons. Mechanisms for assuring longer-term affordability deserve research and support.
Question: As desirable, centrally-located neighborhoods in Madison quickly appreciate in value, it becomes more challenging for affordable housing developers to acquire land. What role should the City play in the acquisition of land for affordable housing development?
John Guequierre (D19): The first key is to sustain Madison’s land banking program and our current effort to increase acquisition funding. Using banked land adds to Madison’s leverage to require long-term affordability. Another tool, which I’ve personally supported for District 19 is the opportunity to use land leases on property owned by willing partners. Of particular interest is the availability of land in University Research Park, where I’m supporting to current affordable development projects, with more possible.
Question: How can the City promote housing stability and create permanent housing solutions for vulnerable communities in Madison, especially single unhoused individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities?
John Guequierre (D19): Housing solutions for vulnerable communities is an area where Madison works in concert with Dane County, an area vulnerable to Washington politics. I’ve supported funding and construction of the new Bartillon Shelter. Of concern, usage of the temporary shelter has already exceeded capacity of the new shelter. I’ve also supported the new special needs projects near downtown.
Question: Renters in Madison face significant challenges in accessing safe, fair, and affordable housing. What should the City be doing to better serve tenants and help them enforce their rights?
John Guequierre (D19): As we begin 2025, we’re consolidating the Housing Strategy and Tenant Resource committees to assure that there will be adequate staffing to provide tenant support. COVID era funding supporting renters is ending, and other forms of support are vulnerable. We may need to make adjustments to the 2025 budget to assure a continuation of our support for renter education and defense. A higher than anticipated “rainy day fund” may give us some flexibility to continue these critical services.
Transportation, Safety, and Climate
Question: In 2023, Madison adopted a Complete Green Streets policy that prioritizes walking, biking, transit, and green infrastructure over driving and car parking when it comes to allocating our public right of way. Are you committed to supporting the implementation of this policy in your district and across the city, especially when a project requires the removal of car parking or general travel lanes? How would you respond to residents in your district concerned about converting on-street car parking or travel lanes to space for trees, sidewalks, or bike lanes?
John Guequierre (D19): I have and will continue to support Complete Green Streets policies. Interestingly, one of the most common concerns expressed by District 19 residents is speeding autos. I find that I can combine that concern with the benefits of Complete Green Streets. The other tactic I use is to educate via blogs and meetings to deal with the misinformation surrounding this policy. The largest pushback comes from residents opposed to the addition of sidewalks. Often opponents are unaware that they will not be assessed for sidewalk improvements.
Question: Madison committed to Vision Zero, that is, eliminating all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2035. Yet in 2022, 11 people were killed, including 1 person on a bike and 2 people on foot, and at least 90 people were seriously injured in traffic crashes. Which roadways and intersections in your district should be prioritized for safety design improvements, and what strategies do you support to achieve Vision Zero?
John Guequierre (D19): I’ve been working with Traffic Engineering to educate our residents on this process. The highest priorities align with our High Accident Network Map. For District 19 that highlights issues along Mineral Point Road which have been addressed with the BRT design and several intersections on University Avenue and Old Middleton Road.
Question: The City has a goal to “Build out a safe, comfortable network of bike routes for people of all ages and abilities to increase [bicycle] mode share.” Where in your district do you see major gaps in this network and how would you propose to fix these gaps?
John Guequierre (D19): When a North-South bike path through Sauk Creek Park was eliminated from the West Area Plan, bike lane safety improvements along High Point Road were substituted. We have already identified the need for biking safety improvements along Gammon Road. I’ll be an advocate for getting funding for these improvements in our 2026 capital budget and plan.
Question: In Madison in 2022, 27.5% of greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation. What measures do you think the city should take to reduce emissions from that sector over the next 5 years?
John Guequierre (D19): We need to continue the electrification of Madison’s own vehicle fleet. We already give points for electric vehicle recharging infrastructure in our transit-oriented developments requirements for new private and public projects. We need to continue that and find ways to make it an even higher priority.
John Guequierre (D19): Our structural deficit problem is a good reason to end subsidies.